Common Labor-Intensive Complexity Workarounds:
Limited, Costly, and/or Unsustainable
Your data storage admins have hard task limits like everyone else. They write scripts to automate as many manual tasks as they can.
Problems arise almost immediately.
Those scripts are seldom documented, tested for quality assurance, patched, or updated. When it breaks, and they will break, even the original admin will have problems figuring out why.
If the admin did not write the script, it becomes an exercise in futility and they will write a new script.
You hire experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled data storage admins
Unfortunately, there are fewer all the time as baby boomers retire and those graduating from college into the workforce lack those traits.
Those with those traits are quite expensive.

Common Labor-Intensive Complexity Workarounds:
Limited, Costly, and/or Unsustainable
Your data storage admins have hard task limits like everyone else. They write scripts to automate as many manual tasks as they can. Problems arise almost immediately. Those scripts are seldom documented, tested for quality assurance, patched, or updated. When it breaks, and they will break, even the original admin will have problems figuring out why. If the admin did not write the script, it becomes an exercise in futility and they will write a new script.
You hire experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled data storage admins
Unfortunately, there are fewer all the time as baby boomers retire and those graduating from college into the workforce lack those traits. Those with those traits are quite expensive.

StorONE Incredibly Simple Storage Solution
Puts the expertise into the storage system instead of requiring it from the data storage admin
Automates your labor-intensive, time consuming, and error-prone data tiering. StorONE made hybrid storage simple, sexy, and cost effective with a highly effective auto-tiering algorithm. Data is automatically moved to low-cost HDDs when incoming writes aren’t present. In other words, when your data becomes cool or cold. This saves your more expensive and more
Intuitive graphical user Interface (GUI)
Your StorONE GUI is designed to be intuitive to the novice, average user, and expert alike. It provides both real time and historical graphs for allocation, performance in latencies, IOPS, throughput, by system and volume. Easy to use and customize on the fly. Sets a new standard for data storage GUI. It also comes with both CLI and a RESTful API.